We’re here to help you find the Indianapolis trash pickup schedule for 2025 including bulk pickup, recycling, holidays, and maps.
The City of Indianapolis is in Indiana and is west of Columbus, south of Carmel and Noblesville, and north west of Cincinnati, and north of Greenwood.
If there’s a change to your normal trash collection schedule then there’s a good chance your street sweeping schedule has changed too so make sure to check for updates.
Indianapolis Trash Collection Calendar 2025
For normal trash collections schedules, visit this city website and enter your address.
You can also see the city-observed holidays.
Trash Pick Up Holidays
Here are the Indianapolis trash holidays. Your trash, heavy trash, & recycling pickup will be delayed one day on the below holidays. This is referred to as a “slide schedule” as residents who normally have collection on a Monday, will have it picked up on Tuesday, and so on.
Please note: Any holiday that falls on a weekend will NOT be observed; therefore, trash will be on a normal schedule.
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
Indianapolis Trash Collection Map

Bulk Waste Pickup Calendar 2025
On your “bulky” or heavy trash pickup day, you can place up to two heavy trash items on the curb next to your trash cart for collection.
Find your pickup day by visiting the city website and entering your address.
If the items are not acceptable for pickup, your service provider will notify you with a tag that explains how to meet the pickup requirements.
Heavy trash generally consists of bulky items that would not fit into your trash cart.
Common items include:
- Appliances without Freon, such as a stove or water heater (for appliances with Freon, contact the Mayor’s Action Center to arrange pickup)
- Automobile tires mounted on their rims/wheels
- Box springs (Residents in areas served by Republic Services must completely wrap mattresses and box springs in plastic before leaving outside for collection.)
- Disassembled bicycles and swing sets
- Household furniture (couch, desk, dresser, table, chairs)
- Lawnmowers (gas and oil must be drained)
- Mattresses (Residents in areas served by Republic Services must completely wrap mattresses and box springs in plastic before leaving outside for collection.)
- Television shell (all electronic components must be removed prior to pick-up for consideration). Solid waste haulers will not collect televisions with electronic components intact. Citizens should consider recycling unwanted electronics, including TVs, at an electronics recycling site.
- Yard waste (bundled limbs 3 feet in diameter and 3 feet long count as one heavy trash item)
Construction debris and batteries will not be accepted as heavy trash.
Indianapolis Junk Removal Services
If you have large items that the city won’t take from you, you may need to hire a junk removal service.
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Junk removal services are not be as picky about the items they’re collecting so if the city won’t take the item, this may be your best bet. There’s usually a fee involved with junk removal but most companies can tell you ahead of time approximately what it’s going to cost.
There are a number of junk removal services in Indianapolis and I’m sure many of them will be able to help you out.
Recycling Collection Calendar 2025
Here’s the link to the recycling collection calendar: https://www.indy.gov/workflow/recycling
If the Department of Public Works (DPW) or Republic Services collects your weekly trash, call Republic Services at 317-917-7300 to find your day for recycling pickup.
If Waste Management collects your weekly trash, call Ray’s Trash Service at 317-539-2024 to find your recycling pickup schedule.
Frequently Asked Questions
When is bulk pickup in Indianapolis?
Bulk or heavy trash pickup is collected the same day as your regular trash service. You can find your regular schedule here: https://www.indy.gov/workflow/trash-pickup
What day is trash pickup?
You can find your trash pickup day here: https://www.indy.gov/workflow/trash-pickup
What time does trash collection start?
Trash collection starts at 7AM in Indianapolis.
How can I contact the Indianapolis Action Center?
Call: 317-327-4622 (Schedule: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m)
200 E Washington St. Suite 2160
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Did we miss anything?
Hope you were able to find everything you need for the Indianapolis trash pickup schedule. We strive to provide the most up to date information so please let us know if you need anything else.
Is there a city park or vacant parking lot where we could take LOTS AND LOTS of cardboard for city pickup.
You need to update your online trash schedule. Juneteenth is not listed as a recognized holiday and our trash was not picked up on the normal schedule. We were not aware the city had added this “holiday”.