We’re here to help you find the Copperas Cove trash pickup schedule for 2025 including bulk pickup, recycling, holidays, and maps.
The City of Copperas Cove is in Texas with Austin to the south, Killeen and Temple to the east, and Waco to the northeast.
If there’s a change to your normal trash collection schedule then there’s a good chance your street sweeping schedule has changed too so make sure to check for updates.
Copperas Cove Trash Collection Calendar 2025
For normal trash collections schedules, visit https://www.copperascovetx.gov/files/solid_waste/sw_map.pdf
- Monday – Areas 1 & 2
- Tuesday – Areas 3 & 4
- Wednesday – Areas 5 & 6
- Thursday – Areas 7 & 8
Trash Pick Up Holidays
Here you can see the city-observed holidays.
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Day
- President’s Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Fourth of July
- Labor Day
- Columbus Day
- Veteran’s Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
If your regular collection day falls on a Holiday, your collection for all services (garbage, recyclables, yard waste, and large bulky items) will be the next day following the holiday. All other collection days after the holiday will be a day later, during the remainder of the holiday week.
Copperas Cove Trash Collection Map

Bulk Waste Pickup Calendar 2025
To find your bulk item pickup schedule visit: https://www.copperascovetx.gov/files/solid_waste/collection_schedule/schedule.pdf
The City will collect large household items placed on the address side of the residence. This collection will be provided twice monthly on your scheduled collection day. The first 3 cubic yards are free of charge. Any amount over 3 cubic yards is charged at $7.89 per cubic yard. Appliances containing freon must have all CFC’s removed by a licensed technician.
Bulky trash and oversized brush shall not be placed out for collection in an alley but shall be placed at the front curb of the property line or edge of street pavement.
Acceptable Items for Bulk Pickup
- TV’s
- furniture
- mattresses
- box springs
- washers
- dryers
- hot water heaters
- refrigerators
- stoves
- microwaves
Unacceptable Items for Bulk Pickup
- Auto parts or fluids, including motors, tires, doors, fenders, car seats, batteries, or used motor oil
- Bricks, concrete blocks, or ceramic tiles
- Dirt, sand, concrete, or rocks
- Propane or oxygen tanks
Have bulky items the city won’t pick up? You need a junk removal service.
If you have large items that the city won’t take from you, you may need to hire a junk removal service.
Junk removal services are not be as picky about the items they’re collecting so if the city won’t take the item, this may be your best bet. There’s usually a fee involved with junk removal but most companies can tell you ahead of time approximately what it’s going to cost.
There are a number of junk removal services in Copperas Cove and I’m sure many of them will be able to help you out.
Recycling Collection Calendar 2025
Here’s the link to the recycling collection calendar: https://www.copperascovetx.gov/files/solid_waste/collection_schedule/schedule.pdf
Frequently Asked Questions
When is bulk pickup in Copperas Cove?
To find your bulky item pickup in your area visit: https://www.copperascovetx.gov/files/solid_waste/collection_schedule/schedule.pdf
The City will collect large household items placed on the address side of the residence. This collection will be provided twice monthly on your scheduled collection day. The first 3 cubic yards are free of charge. Any amount over 3 cubic yards is charged at $7.89 per cubic yard. Appliances containing freon must have all CFC’s removed by a licensed technician.
Bulky trash and oversized brush shall not be placed out for collection in an alley but shall be placed at the front curb of the property line or edge of street pavement.
What day is trash pickup?
To find trash pickup on your street visit: https://www.copperascovetx.gov/files/solid_waste/sw_map.pdf
- Monday – Areas 1 & 2
- Tuesday – Areas 3 & 4
- Wednesday – Areas 5 & 6
- Thursday – Areas 7 & 8
What time does trash collection start?
Trash collection starts at 7 a.m. Make sure to have your bins on the curb by then.
The container is to be placed on the addressed side of the residence at least four (4) feet away from any obstacle and not under low-hanging limbs or power lines. If you have more than one container, please leave a four (4) foot separation between containers.
How can I contact the Copperas Cove Public Works Department?
Solid Waste Department
2605 S. FM 116
Copperas Cove, TX 76522
Phone: (254) 547-5245
Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm
Did we miss anything?
Hope you were able to find everything you need for the Copperas Cove trash pickup schedule. We strive to provide the most up to date information so please let us know if you need anything else.