We’re here to help you find the Washington DC trash pickup schedule for 2025 including bulk pickup, recycling, holidays, and maps.
Washington DC is the capital of the United States and is southwest of Baltimore, north of Alexandria, and southeast of Pittsburgh and Rockville, with Bowie to the northeast.
If there’s a change to your normal trash collection schedule then there’s a good chance your DC street sweeping schedule has changed too so make sure to check for updates.
Washington DC Trash Collection Calendar 2025
For normal trash collections schedules, visit the DC trash collection website and enter your address.
You can also see the city-observed holidays.
Trash Pick Up Holidays
When a holiday occurs, trash and recycling collection will “slide” to the next day for the rest of the week.
Collections will resume TUESDAY for the following holidays
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day – Jan 17
- Washington’s Birthday – Feb 22
- Memorial Day- May 31
- Juneteenth – June 19
- Independence Day – July 5
- Labor Day – Sept 6
- Columbus Day – Oct 11
- Christmas Day – Dec 26
- New Years Day – Jan 2
Collections will resume FRIDAY for the following holidays:
- Thanksgiving- Nov 25
Collections will resume SATURDAY for the following holidays:
- Emancipation day- April 16th
- Veterans Day- Nov 12
Washington DC Trash Collection Map

Bulk Waste Pickup Calendar 2025
Bulk pickup in DC is provided on an as-needed basis. You’ll need to make an appointment to dispose of your bulky items.
Bulk items are picked up at the same place you set out your regular trash. You may dispose of up to seven items at one time.
How to make a bulk pickup appointment in DC
Call the Mayor’s Citywide Call Center at 311 to make an appointment, which is usually available within 10 to 14 days of your call. You can also visit www.311.dc.gov to make an appointment or download the mobile app now available on the Google Play and Apple App Store.
Where to Take Bulk Items Without an Appointment
Take bulk, trash and recycling items to the Benning Road Transfer Station, 3200 Benning Rd., NE. The entrance to the facility is at the intersection of Benning Road and Anacostia Avenue NE, at the Kenilworth Maintenance Yard signage.
Please be sure to have identification such as a driver’s license with you to prove you are a District resident. If you don’t have a DC driver’s license, please have photo ID issued by another state plus a current utilities bill (within the last 30 days) or a copy of your residential lease or deed. The names on the photo ID and the utility bill or lease/deed must be the same.
Acceptable Bulk Items
- Air conditioners (drain water and fluids)
- Hot water heaters
- Household furniture
- Large toys (kiddie pools, playhouses, disassembled swing sets)
- Major appliances, e.g., refrigerators (doors removed)
- Mattresses and box springs (MUST be wrapped in plastic), bed frames
- Rugs (MUST be rolled and tied)
Unacceptable Bulk Items
- Books – Place in recycling cart for DPW collection.
- Bricks*
- Ceiling tile*
- Construction Materials*
- Demolition materials*
- Dirt*
- Drywall*
- Hazardous and/or liquid waste (list of household hazardous waste items for monthly HHW/E-cycling/Document Shredding drop-off at Benning Rd Transfer Station)
- Household trash or garbage – Place in trash can for DPW collection.
- Small tree limbs – Tie and place with regular trash.
- Tree stumps
- Tires — Up to four tires may be taken to the Benning Road Transfer Station, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 10 am to 2 pm ONLY.
Have bulky items the city won’t pick up? You need a junk removal service.
If you have large items that the city won’t take from you, you may need to hire a junk removal service.
Junk removal services are not be as picky about the items they’re collecting so if the city won’t take the item, this may be your best bet. There’s usually a fee involved with junk removal but most companies can tell you ahead of time approximately what it’s going to cost.
There are a number of junk removal services in Washington DC and I’m sure many of them will be able to help you out.
Recycling Collection Calendar 2025
Here’s the link to the recycling collection calendar: http://collectionday.dcgis.dc.gov/
Frequently Asked Questions
When is bulk pickup in Washington DC?
Bulk pickup is not on a regular schedule. You need to make an appointment by calling 311 or downloading the trash mobile app.
What day is trash pickup?
You can find your trash pickup day by visiting http://collectionday.dcgis.dc.gov/
What time does trash collection start?
Trash collection starts at 6am. You can place your carts out the night before but no earlier than 6:30pm.
How can I contact the Washington DC Public Works Department?
Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Phone: (202) 737-4404
Contact Fax: (202) 671-0642
Contact TTY: (202) 673-6833
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:15 am – 4:45 pm
Service Location:
2235 Shannon Place SE, Suite 3040
Washington, DC 20020
Did we miss anything?
Hope you were able to find everything you need for the Washington DC trash pickup schedule. We strive to provide the most up to date information so please let us know if you need anything else.